What you can do to fight cancer in North Dakota

If you are....

A community-based organization, you can:
  • Promote cancer screening among clients.
  • Provide cancer awareness information to constituents.
  • Encourage participation in clinical trials for cancer treatment.
An employer, you can:
  • Promote a well workplace including walking breaks and healthy eating guidelines.
  • Collaborate with hospitals and clinics to host cancer screening events.
  • Provide health insurance coverage that includes cancer screening.
A faith-based organization, you can:
  • Learn how to provide healthy potluck and meeting meals.
  • Encourage members to get cancer screening tests on time.
  • Open your building for walking clubs in the winter.
A local public health unit, you can:
  • Provide cancer awareness information and data to citizens and groups.
  • Work with physicians to promote cancer screening programs and case reporting.
  • Ensure access to care for the uninsured and underinsured.
A school or university, you can:
  • Include cancer prevention messages in curriculum.
  • Establish and enforce a tobacco-free campus policy.
  • Encourage students to pursue cancer-related careers.
A hospital, you can:
  • Ensure that your cancer cases are reported in a timely matter.
  • Provide meeting space for cancer support groups.
  • Collaborate to sponsor community cancer screening and education programs.
A health-care provider, you can:
  • Ensure that patients get appropriate cancer screening tests.
  • Refer patients to smoking cessation resources and nutrition and physical activity programs.
  • Find out how to enroll patients in clinical trials.
A professional organization, you can:
  • Include clinical trials information in meeting agendas.
  • Form speakers' bureaus to provide cancer education.
  • Train facilitators for cancer survivor support groups.
A North Dakotan, you can:
  • Support tobacco-free environments.
  • Increase your daily physical activity and eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • If diagnosed, consider enrolling in a clinical trial.
  • Become a member and be active in the North Dakota Cancer Coalition
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