
Survivorship Awareness Education Campaign

Improvements in the early detection and treatment of cancer have led to more people living longer after being diagnosed with the disease. Over the next decade, the number of people who have lived 5 or more years after their cancer diagnosis is projected to increase approximately 33%, to 15.1 million. In North Dakota, there are nearly 40,000 cancer survivors. A cancer diagnosis remains a life-changing event for individuals and their family members, friends, and caregivers. Cancer survivorship is an emerging and very important part of the cancer care continuum. Education and support in this field is necessary not only for the physicians treating the patients but their families, caregivers, and the patients themselves.

People who have been diagnosed with cancer face a host of short- and long-term issues affecting their quality of life including, but not limited to, the physical effects of cancer treatment, spiritual and emotional needs, pain control, and, for some, decisions about end-of-life care. There are still many areas to improve when it comes to increasing public and healthcare professional knowledge about survivorship resources and services available to North Dakotans.

Survivorship Checklist

The Cancer Survivorship Checklist is designed to be a simple, straightforward tool patients and caregivers...

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